2017-04-23 12:18:05 UTC
Player: Haraldpoiss
Team: FinEst Dashers
GDDM-MUXA is near Nõva, Estonia.
> Date, Points, TeamPoints, Dashpoint, Country, State, Lat, Lon, Distance
2017-04-22, 3, 3, GDDM-MUXA, Estonia, , 59.2319, 23.7758, 0
New extreme west visit this year for Estonia: GDDM-MUXA
If this is not correct, please notify the Geodashing Webmaster
Number of previous hunts by Haraldpoiss: 90
It was +2C and almost not raining. It was possible to drive to 150m. The point had fallen into forest and there wasn't much interesting around it. But it was just 2.5km from the sea, so I took a walk and went to the beach. It was cold and windy, but still nice and relaxing.
Wood is one of the main export articles of Estonia. It often happens that pieces of it get lost on the way over sea and reach to the shore. So here is a piece of the peel of a birch, next to a clam.
remaints of a dead bird