2015-05-31 08:56:50 UTC
Player: Haraldpoiss
Team: FinEst Dashers
GDCP-MOUQ is near Kõljala, Estonia.
> Date, Points, TeamPoints, Dashpoint, Country, State, Lat, Lon, Distance
2015-05-09, 3, 3, GDCP-MOUQ, Estonia, , 58.4078, 22.6602, 0
Number of previous hunts by Haraldpoiss: 69
The point had fallen on the land of village Haeska - just like 2 months ago it had happened to GDCN-MOUN. But as it's kind of a big and sparse village, the distance between the points was 3.3km. I got off from bus about 1.2km from the destination and walked from there through the woods. The point was in the middle of a field, which looked like freshly sowed. Its soil was rolled hard and was sparsely covered with white granules of fertilizer. I took a long walk in the area, because the next bus back was 6h after my arrival.
a tower for hunting wild boars next to an old sauna
view from the tower
boars won