2012-04-01 16:24:13 UTC
Player: Haraldpoiss
Team: FinEst Dashers
GDBE-MOMU is near Joekula, Estonia.
> Date, Points, TeamPoints, Dashpoint, Country, State, Lat, Lon, Distance
2012-04-01, 3, 3, GDBE-MOMU, Estonia, , 58.3260, 22.2906, 0
New extreme south visit this year for Estonia: GDBE-MOMU
New extreme west visit this year for Estonia: GDBE-MOMU
If this is not correct, please notify the Geodashing Webmaster
Number of previous hunts by Haraldpoiss: 26
It was dead easy. Only 15km from my home and 75m from a road in nice forest.
Weather was sunny and slightly over 0 degrees C. There were remnants of
winter's snow here and there, some fallen trees, an animal trail, stones
covered with thick green moss and just 20m from the point a low old
stone-fence. The point was within boundaries of a village named Kulli. Finnish
should like this name, because it means dick in their language :D About 2km
away there was an abandoned Soviet military base, whereto a car racing track
has been built nowadays.
an old boiler
racing track in Oriküla